Dapper Plus Bulk Insert Discover how to insert multiple rows
Dapper Plus provides an extension method called BulkInsert which is a high-performance bulk insert command for Dapper. It can insert multiple rows into a database table at once. It inserts entities using the Bulk Operation.
It is faster than standard insert because it reduces the number of database round trips. BulkInsert
can also be used to load data from a file or stream.
With BulkInsert
, you can:
This can be useful when inserting a large number of records into a database table. For example, if you need to insert 1 million rows, BulkInsert
can do it in just a few seconds.
You can use the BulkInsert
method to insert a single record. The following example inserts a new record into the Customers table.
DapperPlusManager.Entity<Customer>().Table("Customers"); using (var connection = new SqlConnection(FiddleHelper.GetConnectionStringSqlServerW3Schools())) { connection.BulkInsert(new List<Customer>() { new Customer() { CustomerName = "ExampleBulkInsert", ContactName = "Example Name :" + 1}}); }
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The ability to insert multiple records with a single database call can significantly improve performance. It inserts many entities with Bulk Operation. The following example inserts a list of customers into the Customers table.
DapperPlusManager.Entity<Customer>().Table("Customers"); using (var connection = new SqlConnection(FiddleHelper.GetConnectionStringSqlServerW3Schools())) { connection.BulkInsert(customers); }
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allows you to insert related entities into the database in one operation. It is especially useful when inserting a large number of entities that have relationships with each other.
To use BulkInsert
when entities have a relationship, simply specify the relationship between the entities when you configure the bulk operation.
The following example shows how to use the BulkInsert
with a one-to-one relationship between the entities.
DapperPlusManager.Entity<Supplier>().Table("Suppliers").Identity(x => x.SupplierID); DapperPlusManager.Entity<Product>().Table("Products").Identity(x => x.ProductID); using (var connection = new SqlConnection(FiddleHelper.GetConnectionStringSqlServerW3Schools())) { connection.BulkInsert(suppliers).ThenForEach(x => x.Product.SupplierID = x.SupplierID).ThenBulkInsert(x => x.Product); }
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Dapper Plus can insert a list of entities with a one-to-many relationship with Bulk Operation as shown in the following example.
DapperPlusManager.Entity<Supplier>().Table("Suppliers").Identity(x => x.SupplierID); DapperPlusManager.Entity<Product>().Table("Products").Identity(x => x.ProductID); using (var connection = new SqlConnection(FiddleHelper.GetConnectionStringSqlServerW3Schools())) { connection.BulkInsert(suppliers).ThenForEach(x => x.Products.ForEach(y => y.SupplierID = x.SupplierID)).ThenBulkInsert(x => x.Products); }
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Your entity has an identity property, but you want to force it to insert a specific value instead. The InsertKeepIdentity
option allows you to keep the identity value of your entity.
DapperPlusManager.Entity<Customer>().Table("Customers"); using (var connection = new SqlConnection(FiddleHelper.GetConnectionStringSqlServerW3Schools())) { connection.UseBulkOptions(options => options.InsertKeepIdentity = true).BulkInsert(customers); }
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By default, the BulkInsert
method already returns the identity when inserted.
However, such behavior impacts performance. For example, when the identity must be returned, a temporary table is created in SQL Server instead of directly using SqlBulkCopy
into the destination table.
You can improve your performance by turning off the AutoMapOutput option.
DapperPlusManager.Entity<Customer>().Table("Customers"); using (var connection = new SqlConnection(FiddleHelper.GetConnectionStringSqlServerW3Schools())) { connection.UseBulkOptions(options => options.AutoMapOutputDirection = false).BulkInsert(customers); FiddleHelper.WriteTable("1 - Customers (from list)", customers); }
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